[XeTeX] Detect, whether a font contains a certain character

Heiko Oberdiek heiko.oberdiek at googlemail.com
Tue Nov 29 17:15:02 CET 2011

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 05:24:28PM +0200, Tobias Schoel wrote:

> Thanks a lot for the macro. A small summary (as I understand the
> code): \IfXeTeXTextCharExists takes three arguments:
> 1. the character (as direct input or via ^^^^-notation)
> 2. then-clause (executed, if the char exists in the _current_ font)
> 3. else-clause


> As I'm no texnician, only XeLaTeX-User, can I copy the code from
> %%%Begin%%% to %%%End%%% into my own package and it'll work as
> described above,


Variation, if testing a number instead of a glyph is preferred:

%%% Begin %%%
    % or in LaTeX: \let\next\@secondoftwo
    \ifnum\XeTeXfonttype\font>0 %
      \ifnum\XeTeXcharglyph#1>0 %
        % or in LaTeX: \let\next\@firstoftwo
        \tracinglostchars=0 %
      \ifnum\lastkern=1 %
        % or in LaTeX: \let\next\@firstoftwo
%%% End %%%


Yours sincerely
  Heiko Oberdiek

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