[XeTeX] Access of vertical CJK fonts preceeding with @

Mike "Pomax" Kamermans pomax at nihongoresources.com
Tue Dec 11 23:18:01 CET 2012

I use XeLaTeX with vertically typeset CJK, using some custom macros:

% ----------------------------------------------------------------
% ruby markup stuff
% ----------------------------------------------------------------


% ----------------------------------------------------------------
% ruby and rubystack for for use in tables.
% This needs extra spacing to ensure visually appealing alignment,
% but rather than using an extra argument, it figured it'd be more
% readable, and overall less space-taking to just copy the plain
% macro and rename it
% ----------------------------------------------------------------



% --------------------------------------------------------------
% ruby and rubystack macro, effecting ghost furigana in the PDF
% --------------------------------------------------------------


%    \BeginAccSupp{method=pdfstringdef,ActualText={#1 (#2)}}%

% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% helper macro: adds space between the text and the [T]op \hline in a table
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------

\newcommand\T{\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}}% zero width, 2.5ex vertical spacing, 
ensures a visually appealing vertical alignment

% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% vertical typesetting for CJK
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------

\rule{0pt}{1.7em}\rubystack{\smaller #2}{\phantom{#1}}%

\XeTeXinterchartokenstate = 0 %
\fontspec[RawFeature=vertical, Script=CJK]{#1}#4
\vspace{#2pt}%    this padding should only exist if ruby is present, for 
visual offset
\XeTeXinterchartokenstate = 1 %
\XeTeXinterchartokenstate = 1 %

I then use it as:

    \vertical{Kozuka Mincho Pro}{21}{The いろは poem, with classical 
kana transcription}{色は匂へど...}

so it has baked in font name, font size, "block title", and then the 
actual text to typeset. This typesets the text top-down, right to left.

- Mike "Pomax" Kamermans
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