[XeTeX] arabxetex and transliteration

heer heer at u.washington.edu
Mon Nov 19 06:32:17 CET 2012

Dear Anas and Vafa,

 	I've now tried both of your methods and they seem to work equally 
well.  However, neither one adds kashidah to underfull hboxes 
automatically.  Is there any way to do that?  That is something that Klaus 
Lagally's verses.sty does in ArabTeX.  But perhaps that is because ArabTeX 
uses its own special font.


On Sun, 18 Nov 2012, Vafa Khalighi wrote:

> What is the purpose of using \beginR ... \endR in your verse macro. Instead 
> using verse.sty, I would suggest using bidipoem.sty
> On Nov 12, 2012, at 08:26 PM, Anas Ghrab <anas.ghrab at saramusik.org> wrote:
> For the verses I put this small code in the header :
> \newdimen\MesraLength % each verse has two mesra'
> \MesraLength=.45\hsize % one may change this to other values
> \newcommand{\vers}[2]{\begin{centering}
> \beginR
> \hbox to \MesraLength{#1}
> \hskip 1.5cm
> %\hfill
> \hbox to \MesraLength{#2}
> \endR
> \vskip 0pt\end{centering}
> }
> By the way, I used ArabXeTeX for writing my PhD (Télécharger la totalité de 
> la thèse) which contains an important arabic part, but the best way I found 
> now to use arabic is Polyglossia + eledmac. As texts I'm working with now are 
> 100% in arabic, the only remaining problem is the bibliography : Biblatex is 
> still without an arabic localization...
> Even for a latin-based letters text, I think one doesn't need any 
> transcription-code anymore as one can write directly in UTF-8. The 
> translitteration codes of ArabTeX et ArabXeTeX were necessary when the use of 
> latin encoding was the only way to write translitteration letters.
> Yours,
> ---
> Anas Ghrab
> Le Nov 12, 2012 à 1:20 AM, heer a écrit :
> Now that the subject of ArabXeTeX has come up, I have a question myself.  Is 
> there any way of using the verses.sty macro from Lagally's ArabTeX in 
> ArabXeTeX?  It doesn't seem to be possible to use both the ArabTeX and 
> ArabXeTeX packages in the same file.  There are very few Arabic or Persian 
> texts that do not contain any verses at all, so it would be nice to be able 
> to use ArabTeX's verses.sty when using ArabXeTeX.
> Nicholas Heer
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