[XeTeX] CID-keyed font support?

Dohyun Kim nomosnomos at gmail.com
Fri Jul 18 10:52:14 CEST 2014

2014-07-18 0:00 GMT+09:00 Jiang Jiang <gzjjgod at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I wonder if this has been discussed before but I have been wondering
> if CID-keyed fonts are supported by XeTeX/xdvipdfmx at all.
> Recent release of Source Han Sans [1] brought up the question again.
> If you install Source Han Sans CN Regular for instance, the following document:
> \font\body="Source Han Sans CN" at 10pt \body
> 测试
> \end
> won't work:
> (./test.tex [1]
> ** WARNING ** Failed to load ToUnicode CMap for font "SourceHanSansCN-Regular"
> ** WARNING ** Glyph for CID 16719 missing in font
> "/Users/jjgod/Library/Fonts/SourceHanSansCN-Regular.otf".
>  )
> The resulting PDF end up having the wrong glyphs.

With SourceHanSansKR, I experienced the same thing. Let me share my guess.

The number 16719 in the log above must be a GID. But xdvipdfmx
considers it as CID as shown, so there is a discrepancy between xetex
and xdvipdfmx.  CID and GID may differ when a cid-keyed font includes
a subset of the glyphs specified by ROS (Adobe-Identity-0 in our
case). See http://blogs.adobe.com/CCJKType/2012/04/cid-vs-gid.html .

So I instead tried the so-called "Pan-CJK" font,
SourceHanSansOTF-1.000.zip downloadable at
http://sourceforge.net/projects/source-han-sans.adobe/files/ .  As
this font has full 65535 glyphs under Adobe-Identity-0, CIDs are
identical to GIDs.  In this case, however, xdvipdfmx failed to make
PDF with error message as follows:

xdvipdfmx:warning: Failed to load ToUnicode CMap for font
xdvipdfmx:fatal: sfnt: Freetype failure...
Output file removed.
Error 256 (driver return code) generating output;

So it seems that we have to do something with xdvipdfmx and/or its
freetype library. The SourceHanSans fonts are sure to have no problem
as they work quite well on my mac OS.

Dohyun Kim

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