[XeTeX] (x)dvipdfmx replaces link destinations with integers. Why?

Alexander Grahn A.Grahn at hzdr.de
Fri Sep 12 10:26:45 CEST 2014


unlike other output drivers, (x)dvipdfmx translates link destination
strings, such as (testA), (testB) in

pdf:dest (testA) [@thispage /XYZ @xpos @ypos null]
pdf:dest (testB) [@thispage /XYZ @xpos @ypos null]

specials, into internally generated integer strings (0), (1), ... in
/Dests <</Names [...] >> and in Link annotations of the final PDF.

This is very annoying, because it prevents users from creating custom
Action dictionaries of subtype /GoTo used in other Annotation types and
triggers. As said before, the automatic destination string replacement
only works in /A <</S/GoTo /D (...)>> action dictionaries of /Link
Annotations, but not elsewhere where defective /GoTo actions are
produced. See the example below which implements a hyperlink macro with
formatted tip text (requires AR for display).

Could (x)dvipdfmx be changed to keep the original destination string?




% usage:
% \hyperlinkWithTip{<destination>}[<linkcolour>]{<linktext>}[<tipboxcolour>]{<tiptext>}


  \tpPdfObj{}{dict}{/Type/OCG/Name (tipOCG.\thetcnt)%
  \xdef\@anim at ocgs{\@anim at ocgs\space\tpPdfLastObj}%
  \xdef\@anim at offocgs{\@anim at offocgs\space\tpPdfLastObj}%
      /E<</S/SetOCGState/State [/ON \tpTipOcg]>>%
      /X<</S/SetOCGState/State [/OFF \tpTipOcg]>>%
      /U<</S/SetOCGState/State [/OFF \tpTipOcg]/Next<</S/GoTo/D (#1)>>>>%
      /Subtype/Widget/FT/Btn/Ff 65537/T (tip:\thetcnt)%
      /AP<</N \tpPdfLastXform>>%
      /MK<</TP 1/I \tpPdfLastXform/IF<</S/A/FB true/A [0.0 0.0]>>>>%
      /OC \tpTipOcg
    \xdef\@anim at fields{\@anim at fields\space\tpPdfLastAnn}%
  \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
    \path let \p0 = (0,0), \p1 = (current page.east) in


Lots of text. \hyperlinkWithTip{test}{Test}{To be explained on the next page.} this if you can.

Lots of text. Another \hyperlinkWithTip{testB}{test}{\parbox[b]{0.5\linewidth}{This is a longer text. Don't miss the explanation given on the next page.}} if you wish.

\hypertarget{test}{Here's my link destination.}

\hypertarget{testB}{Yet another link destination.}


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