[XeTeX] xelatex, hyperref, and new TeXLive

Ross Moore ross.moore at mq.edu.au
Thu Jun 16 01:25:09 CEST 2016

Hi Mike, David, Herb,

On Jun 16, 2016, at 8:46 AM, maxwell <maxwell at umiacs.umd.edu<mailto:maxwell at umiacs.umd.edu>> wrote:

With the help of David Carlisle and Herbert Schulz, I've found part of the problem.  For some reason, in the (our?) 2016 version, kpsewhich points to this hyperref.cfg file:

I’m seeing the same behaviour, but for me the packages are as follows:


/usr/local/texlive/2016/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hyperref/hyperref.sty:4322: Packag
e hyperref Error: Wrong DVI mode driver option `dvipdfmx',
(hyperref)                because XeTeX is running.

This .cfg file contains a \hypersetup{...} command that specifies 'ps2pdf'.  Changing that to 'xetex' fixes the problem, at least for xelatex (I'm not sure what would happen with other flavors of latex).  (Update: removing the line entirely, so it specifies neither xetex nor ps2pdf, works too, and presumably won't cause trouble for other latices.)

1) Why does kpsewhich find that file, instead of this one:
  which does not have any \hypersetup{} command, and which would
  presumably not cause the same problem?
2) Why did this change from 2015 to 2016?  We did a pretty vanilla
  install, I think the only non-default choice we made was to use
  'letter' instead of 'a4'.
3) Is this a bug? (meaning should I report it?)

Here is the relevant coding from  hyperref.sty  with annotations added by me.

\newif\ifHy at DviMode
This defines  \ifHy at DviMode and switches, leaves it as  \iffalse
\let\Hy at DviErrMsg\ltx at empty
  \def\Hy at DviErrMsg{pdfTeX or LuaTeX is running in PDF mode}%
This is already  \iftrue
    \def\Hy at DviErrMsg{XeTeX is running}%
… but surely we should be setting  \Hy at DviModetrue  here !!!
        \Hy at DviModetrue
        \def\Hy at DviErrMsg{VTeX is running, but not in DVI mode}%
      \Hy at DviModetrue

The result is that when you subsequently request   [dvipdfmx]  or  any other driver,
hyperref thinks that we are in non-dvi mode, so  *incorrectly* throws the error.

So it’s surely an omission in  hyperref.sty .

But you don’t actually need to specify a driver option,
and everything works OK anyway.

  Mike Maxwell

Hope this helps,


Dr Ross Moore

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