[XeTeX] asterisk in font name - font error

Lorna Evans lorna_evans at sil.org
Mon Dec 14 17:37:07 CET 2020

It may be a font installation issue if you are on Windows. Windows made 
a change awhile back where the default place to install is to a user 

On my system it is: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Fonts

If the fonts are in there, delete them.

Then reinstall the fonts "for all users" and it will go into 
C:\Windows\Fonts. This has taken care of my issues with fonts in XeTeX.


On 12/14/2020 9:42 AM, Ulrike Fischer wrote:
> Am Sun, 13 Dec 2020 17:01:16 +0100 schrieb Carlos Franke:
>> This would be a neat workaround. However it doesn't compile on my
>> system either. Running "xelatex temp2.tex" (temp2.tex being Apostolos'
>> code, only with Minion Pro replaced with another font as I don't have
>> Minion Pro installed) I get a similar error as before:
>>     [...]
>>     (./temp2.aux) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-
>>     dist/tex/latex/base/ts1cmr.fd)kpathsea:make_tex: Invalid filename
>>     `[Jost-500-Medium.otf]/OT', contains '['
>>     ! Package fontspec Error: The font "Jost-500-Medium" cannot be
>>     found.
>> I am likely making some very basic mistake. I would be grateful for any
>> hint.
> I wouldn't use xltxtra, and the Mapping is unneeded too, but beside
> this it should work.
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{fontspec}
> \setsansfont{Jost-500-Medium.otf}[
>   BoldFont = Jost-700-Bold.otf ,
>   ItalicFont = Jost-500-MediumItalic.otf,
>   BoldItalicFont = Jost-700-BoldItalic.otf]
> \begin{document}
> \sffamily this is an example \textit{italics}, \textbf{bold},
> and \textbf{\textit{bold italics}}.
> \end{document}
> If you get an error with this the fonts are perhaps not correctly
> installed. Where did you put them? Did you really installed the otf?
> (the repo seems to provide also ttf.)
> Try also to compile with lualatex, it is normally less picky
> regarding fonts (and one can inspect the names.lua).
>> Be that as it may, I am wondering: Should xelatex ideally work with the
>> font name "Jost*" like it does with "Minion Pro" and others?
> Exotic names can always be problematic. And * has the meaning of a
> wildcard in various places. I prefer to stick to file names.

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