19th TEX Users Group Conference
TUG '98
Toruń, 17-20 August 1998 |
Tutorial 3TeX and PostScript integration
Speaker: Bogusław Jackowski, Poland
Main topics:
- Kinds of graphic objects in PostScript.
- bitmaps (B-W, gray, palette, RGB, CMYK),
- outlined,
- mixed.
- Tools for converting and compressing PostScript graphic files.
- conversion from other formats to PostScript,
- PostScript filters,
- CEP package.
- TeX macros for including graphics.
- epsf and colordvi,
- PSTricks,
- graphix.
- Modifying PostScript graphic from within TeX program.
- colour substitution,
- colour separation,
- lightening and darkening.
- Dealing with PostScript fonts.
- Type 1,
- Type 42 (i.e., TrueType).