TUG 2010 - Conference Registration

TUG 2010 conference: June 28-30, 2010
Sir Francis Drake Hotel, San Francisco, California, USA

Please fill out and submit the form below to register for the conference. Participant list and program available separately.

Registration form

All amounts in US dollars; credit cards will be charged in dollars.

Conference registration fee:
   I'm a member of a TeX user group. (Any listed user group qualifies.) $375
   I'm not a user group member.
Any participant not already a user group member receives a complimentary TUG membership for 2010.
   I'm a speaker. $350
   I'm a student. $215
   I'm attending just one day. (Please specify which day in comment field below.) $130
   I'm attending the June 28 workshop only. (Lunch and breaks included. All regular conference participants are also welcome to attend the workshop.) $35
   Donation only. (Enter amount below, and thanks!)
Banquet, evening of June 30 (optional extra):
Banquet cost is not included in the registration.
   Number attending banquet:  @ $65 per person = $  banquet subtotal
Voluntary donations:
Donations are generally fully tax deductible, at least in the USA. More info and donations.
   General TUG contribution $
   Conference contribution $
Total (conference + banquet + donations) $  total

Payment method (info VISA  MasterCard  American Express  PayPal
Card number
Expiration date  
Name on card  

Please fill out all relevant fields. Please put any additional information or requests in the comments field at the bottom. (Required fields are in bold.)

I plan to attend Monday's LaTeX workshop:

Dietary preference: none   vegetarian

 (only if needed for mailing)
 (used for name tag if present)
line two  
City  State/Province
Telephone  Fax

  If desired, print this form for your records before pressing the Register button.

Payment information

Problems or questions?

If you have any questions or difficulties submitting this form, please contact the conference organizers at by email or via paper mail, phone, or fax.

$Date: 2010/04/22 16:32:05 $; conference home page; TUG home page; join TUG/renew membership; webmaster; facebook; x; mastodon.