{Li$\lower.1ex\hbox{\eightsl b}\over\hbox{\acrosl \rlap{\phantom{T}}t}$erate $\raise.5ex\hbox{\acro{\TeX}}\over{\lower.64ex\hbox{\acro{C}}}$ Bottom part:~\texttt{literac}} {Doug McKenna} {\texttt{literac} is a command-line program that converts source code written in C, \Cplusplus, Objective-C, Swift, Go, or other languages that use~C-style commenting syntax (i.e., \texttt{//} and \texttt{/* \dots\ */}) into a \LaTeX\ document. Computer code is typeset verbatim (with optional line numbers). Comments, on the other hand, are stripped of their delimiters, presented in different styles based on context, and merged into paragraphs if possible. A significant amount of attention is paid to ensuring that \TeX\ does ``the right thing'' in numerous edge cases. Within comments, a few special commands support common typesetting tasks, including verbatim and auto-verbatim code quotes, macros, moving source material forward for typesetting later in the document, inserting arbitrary \TeX\ code for math displays, tables, or footnotes, suppressing both code and comment lines from being typeset, and visual cues for dividing a large program in one source file into chapters, sections, subsections, a \texttt{README} file, etc. This fosters better documented C code without imposing an intermediate \texttt{CWEB} (\texttt{CWEAVE}\slash \texttt{CTANGLE}) step on the source code's developer/tester. The single implementation file, \texttt{literac.c}, is documented in the literate style it implements. It typesets itself into a 200+ page document that is its own user manual, its own implementation, the explanation of the program's internal design, and an excellent test suite for itself. Its author built \texttt{literac} to typeset the 90,000+ lines of source code\Dash half of them comments\Dash of the \texttt{JSBox} library, as commented using \texttt{literac}'s rules and commands.}