{Oliver Kopp, Marcel Kr\"uger, Marei Peischl} {Tutorial: Creation of LaTeX documents using a cloud-based pipeline} {This will be a tutorial on using git as well as GitHub\slash GitLab pipelines for \LaTeX\ document development. The duration is expected to be two hours or more, depending on the final schedule. Most \LaTeX{} users compile on the local machine or using online services like Overleaf. There also is a third option: build servers. That option is especially interesting when one versions the project using git. This tutorial will show you how to get from an installation of git to a \LaTeX\ document compiled by a build server. At first, concepts of git and GitHub\slash GitLab will be explained. This includes the concept of branches, pushes, automated checks on the build server, and collaborative work using pull\slash merge requests. After that, there is time for practical exercises and questions. Participants are asked to create a GitHub or GitLab account before the start, but we will also show how to run a pipeline locally so this is not a strict requirement.}