{Simon Pfahler} {Easy colorblind-safe typesetting: General guidelines and a helpful LaTeX package} {In colorblind-safe documents, the contents are presented in a way such that the same information is conveyed to readers regardless of potential color vision deficiencies. I will present some best practices and guidelines to follow when typesetting colorblind-safe documents. This will cover the choice of colors and the reasoning behind it, how colors should be used for denoting various types of information, but also non-color techniques for making documents more accessible to people with color deficiencies. Lastly, I introduce my \LaTeX\ package \texttt{colorblind}, which aids in typesetting colorblind-safe documents by providing a variety of color schemes suitable for different applications. The current state of the colorblind package can be seen on github: \url{https://github.com/simon-pfahler/colorblind}. As it is currently still under development, it is not available on \CTAN\ yet, but this will change before the conference.}