{Norbert Preining} {\TeX\ (Live) at arXiv} {arXiv is the world's largest and oldest scientific preprint server, and a champion of open science. Started in 1991, arXiv presently holds more than 2.4 million articles and is growing at an ever-increasing rate. With over 30 years of history, arXiv contains \TeX\ documents that span most of the lifetime of \TeX\ itself. Through today, we try to be able to recompile all documents. For that, we keep multiple versions of TeX distributions, starting from te\TeX~2 up to, currently, \TeX\ Live 2023. In this talk we will report about the problems we are facing with keeping all these versions up and running, deal with the ever-increasing set of packages that get obsoleted, and all the other niceties of having to support very old software.}