LyX, a document processor for LaTeX allows to insert TeX code
in the so called ERT (Eval Red Text) mode. View your document always with
ctrl-t (PostScript). This shortcut depends to your local installation of LyX;
"View->PostScript" should always work.
This ERT mode is annoying inside LyX, because one must be sure to insert
a ctrl-enter instead of an enter at the end of every line. Otherwise LyX inserts
an additional empty line in the LaTeX output. A much more better mode is to
leave the PSTricks code in an external file and using the Insert->Include File option
which also enables the preview possibility (requires an installed preview.sty package).
- The LyX source file
- The PSTricks source file
The demo files require the packages pstricks and pst-3dplot .
Go to the topic "Packages" for more informations.