[texhax] Simultaneous Equations?

E. Krishnan ekmath at md5.vsnl.net.in
Wed Feb 18 06:43:26 CET 2004

On Thu, 12 Feb 2004, Gavin Baker wrote:

> I just want two numbered equations, with one { to the left of them.
> I'm using LaTeX.

Here's a somewhat crude methosd I used to get numbered "cases" in 
equations, which is similar to your requirements.





         {|x|}{x, &\text{if $x\ge 0$}\\
         -x,&\text{if $x\le 0$}}{pos}{neg}

       From this it easily follows that 
        |x|\ge0\;\text{for all $x\in R$}
      for if $x\ge 0$, then by Equation~\eqref{pos}, we have $|x|=x\ge0$ and 
      if $x\le0$, then by Equation~\eqref{neg}, we have $|x|=-x\ge0$. 


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