[texhax] memoir, hyperref, nameref

Lars Madsen daleif at imf.au.dk
Thu Apr 15 14:41:51 CEST 2010

>> I just updated, it worked before the update and not after the update
> Test file, the last page should show "OK" in all nameref links:


fails miserably

>> Did you change something interesting Heiko, that I need to change i
>> memhfixc?
> The following code from memhfixc explains Victor's remark,
> that adding \usepackage{nameref} works:
> |  \AtBeginDocument{%
> |    \@ifpackageloaded{nameref}{\let\nameref\titleref}{}%
> |  }
> With \usepackage{nameref} this code redefines \nameref.
> Otherwise, hyperref loads nameref later using \AtBeginDocument.
> In any case, this code is unhappy, because hyperref has
> to define a star variant of \nameref, see Victor's other problem.
> Yours sincerely
>   Heiko Oberdiek

we change the \label contents after nameref, because we emulate titleref 
and thus otherwise could not get our hands on the title. So the 
\let\nameref\titleref fixed that problem

it seems the loading sequence have changed, because the memoir data is 
no longer added to the aux files with the new hyperref/nameref

we do provide a *-ed version of \titleref and perhaps nameref should 
just use that.

or perhaps it is about time we seperate the title part out of the 
labels, thus doubling the lines in the aux files (one line for the 
'normal' label, and for for 'other stuff')



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