[texhax] 4 'minipages' to fit on one A4-size paper for a booklet. -- How to do that?

Ulrich Grün ulrich.gruen at gmail.com
Tue Mar 30 18:36:17 CEST 2010

Also schrieben Sie am Dienstag, 30. März 2010 14:13:32:
> Dear Ulrich,
> using pdfpages usually means working with *two* documents. The first, I
> call it songbook.tex, will be where you create your songbook in A6 format,
>  as you already did. From this you create main.pdf the usual way.
> Then you create a second document, perhaps called printversion.tex. It will
> do the sorting using pdfpages.
> Use this as a starting point -- I needed pdfpages for a different approach,
> and duty calls so I don't have the time to look it up properly.
> \documentclass{minimal}
> \usepackage[a4paper]{geometry}
> \usepackage{pdfpages}
> \begin{document}
> \includepdf[pages=1-,nup=2x2]{songbook}
> 	% use the correct nup= option, 2x2 will not be what you want
> \end{document}

nup=2x2 seems allright (2x2 A6 pages on one A4 page).
The problem that has not yet been solved is that I need to have page 2 (of the 
A6 page) on the reverse side of page 1 (and so on).
The print-out should look like this:

1,3   4,2   9,11
5,7   8,6   13,15  etc

(In this way, I print the odd sides first, put the printed sheets back in the 
printer, and print the even sides afterward)

While it now looks like this:

1,2   5,6   9,10
3,4   7,8   11,12  etc.

pdfpages.pdf doesn't seem to help here...


  X Ulrich X


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