[texhax] Landscape

Clifford Weil Weil at math.msu.edu
Mon Nov 7 20:59:55 CET 2011

Ph.D. students at Michigan State University wishing to have a page in  
their dissertations in landscape are required to put the page number  
on the long side of the page rather than at the bottom of the page.  
I've tried both the landscape environment from the lscape package and  
the command \sidewaystable but haven't yet found a satisfactory way  
to put the page number where its required to be. How can I put \the 
\value{page} in the right-hand margin?. I've tried \marginpar, but  
without complete success.

Clifford E. Weil
Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824-1027
Ph: 517-353-8489
Fax: 517-432-1562

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