[XeTeX] Using tipa.sty with XeLaTeX

Arthur Reutenauer arthur.reutenauer at normalesup.org
Mon Sep 10 20:34:39 CEST 2007

> U+0292 is certainly the LATIN SMALL LETTER EZH, not to be mixed with

  Indeed, thanks for the hint. The former was called “LATIN SMALL LETTER
YOGH” in Unicode 1, and is still called yogh by the IPA (hence the name
\textyogh in tipa.sty); it surely doesn't help clearing the issue.

  Anyway, people might wonder why this would show up in Chandra's
example where there only are the IPA transcriptions for the English words
“thesis” and “hypothesis”, and therefore no ezh. The reason is this
faulty line in the definition of \activatetipa:

	\def 2{\textezh}%

  This should be \def 2{\textturnv} (again, see the IPA manual: 2 is
used to transcribe the lower-mid back unrounded vowel, U+028C LATIN
SMALL LETTER TURNED V, which is the ‘u’ in “cup” or the first ‘o’ in

>                                 BTW I have no ideas why xunicode.sty
> identifies the later with U+0293 (LATIN SMALL LETTER EZH WITH CURL).

  The phonetics part of xunicode could probably use a bit of cleanup.


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