[XeTeX] input method under windows

David J. Perry hospes.primus at verizon.net
Fri Mar 23 02:35:59 CET 2012

Hi François,

Rather than looking for an editor, I would simply add Sanskrit as a language 
in the Windows system and locate a good Unicode font that supports the 
characters needed for Sanskrit.  That way your friend could use any 
Unicode-aware text editor, of which there are many; if a TeX-oriented editor 
is desired, TeXworks (now distributed with both TeXLive and MiKTeX) works 
very well.  Some of the older TeX-centric editors have not yet been updated 
to handle Unicode.  You can set up a hotkey in Windows to switch easily 
between typing in different languages.

Caveat; I myself don't use Sanskrit, but this is how I handle ancient Greek.

Here's one link with more info about adding languages etc. in Windows:



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "François Patte" <francois.patte at mi.parisdescartes.fr>
To: "Unicode-based TeX for Mac OS X and other platforms" <xetex at tug.org>
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2012 5:47 PM
Subject: [XeTeX] input method under windows

Hash: SHA1


I do not know anything about windows, but some friends need help and I
am wondering if there exists something like ibus under windows.

I need to help someone to use xelatex in order to produce sanskrit texts
(devanagari and tranliteration).

Is there a friendly text editor with an easy input method (easily
configurable) to produce this kind of texts with xelatex.

Thanks for any help.

- --
François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Laboratoire CNRS MAP5, UMR 8145
Université Paris Descartes
45, rue des Saints Pères
F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
Tél. +33 (0)1 8394 5849
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