TUG 2024 - Program

The schedule for the TUG 2024 conference follows. (Program as PDF.)

Thursday, July 18

14:00  LaTeX developers' workshop: Tagging PDF documents (until 17.30), Faculty of Mathematics and Physics building, Sokolovska 49/83
18:30  Reception at Hotel Grandior (until 19.30)

Friday, July 19

08:30  Registration
08:55  Boris Veytsman Opening
  Session chair: Johannes Braams
09:00  Norbert Preining TeX (Live) at arXiv - slides
09:30  Mitchell Gerrard Holon programming regained - slides - preprint
10:00  Vincent Goulet You (S)wove? Well, (S)tangle now! - slides
10:30  Break
11:00  Martin Ruckert Profiling TeX input files - slides
11:30  Tyge Tiessen Rewriting TeX today - slides
12:00  Didier Verna A large scale format compliance checker for TeX font metric files - slides - preprint
12:30  Lunch
13:15  Participant group photo
  Session chair: Vincent Goulet
13:30  Boris Veytsman Packaging Arsenal fonts for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX - slides
14:00  Vít Starý Novotný Markdown themes in practice - slides - preprint
14:30  Wim Obbels, Bart Snapp, Jim Fowler Ximera interactive math educational resources for all: From LaTeX source code to PDF, HTML and beyond - slides
15:00  Sarah Lang LaTeX in the Digital Humanities - slides
15:30  Break
16:00  Oliver Kopp, Marcel Krüger, Marei Peischl Tutorial: Creation of LaTeX documents using a cloud-based pipeline (not streamed)
18:00  (end)

Saturday, July 20

  Session chair: Klaus Höppner
08:30  Michal Hoftich Web page to PDF conversion with Rmodepdf: Leveraging LuaLaTeX for e-book reader-friendly documents - slides - preprint
09:00  Simon Pfahler Easy colorblind-safe typesetting: General guidelines and a helpful LaTeX package - slides - preprint
09:30  Changxu Duan Bridging scientific publication accessibility: LaTeX-markup-PDF alignment - slides
10:00  Joseph Wright Templates: Prototype document elements - slides
10:30  Break
11:00  Norbert Preining arXiv's Role in making research accessible - slides
11:30  Ulrike Fischer Progress in the LaTeX tagging project: 2024 - slides
12:00  Frank Mittelbach Hooks, sockets and plugs - slides
12:30  Lunch
  Session chair: Christof Ullwer
13:30  Jeffrey Kuan End-user usage of accessibility packages and templates - slides
14:00  Vincent Goulet A journey through the design of (yet another) journal class: The CJS - slides
14:30  Jean-Michel Hufflen Making BachoTeX proceedings - slides
15:00  Rishi T, Apu V, Rajagopal CV, Radhakrishnan CV Navigating common challenges in manuscript submission: Insights for authors using Elsarticle and CAS packages - slides
15:30  Break
16:00  Andrew Watters Full spectrum litigator
16:30  samcarter The moloch beamer theme - slides
17:00  Rishi T, Rajagopal CV, Hàn Thế Thành Tutorial: TeXFolio—Manuscript preparation system using TeX (not streamed)
18:00  (end)
18:40  Gather in Grandior lobby for walk to banquet (10min)
19:00  Banquet, Restaurace Tiskárna, Jindřišská 22

Sunday, July 21

  Session chair: Petr Sojka
09:00  Ondřej Sojka Expanding hyphenation patterns across Slavic languages - slides - preprint
09:30  Antoine Bossard On typesetting Latin verse scansion with LaTeX and LuaLaTeX - slides - preprint
10:00  Jan Vaněk, Hàn Thế Thành Exploring Primo: A developer's perspective - slides
10:30  Break
11:00  Boris Veytsman Extending Peter Flynn's bookshelf package for multilanguage libraries - slides
11:30  Joseph Wright siunitx development continues: 2024 - slides
12:00  TUG Annual General Meeting (not streamed)
12:30  Lunch
  Session chair: Doris Behrendt
13:30  Didier Verna A couple of extensions to the Knuth-Plass algorithm - slides
14:00  Martin Ruckert A color concept for HiTeX - slides
14:30  Closing + final break
15:00  (end)
15:30  Gather in Grandior lobby for walk to concert (25min)
15:47  Bus to concert (7min)
16:00  Organ concert, St. Salvator church, Salvátorská 1

Other conference pages:

$Date: 2024/07/20 16:37:30 $; conference home page; email organizers. TUG home page; join TUG/renew membership; webmaster; facebook; x; mastodon.